Bulgaria is situated in Southeast Europe occupying the northeastern part of the Balkan Peninsula. To the West Bulgaria borders on Serbia and Montenegro and on the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.The Danube, Europe's second-longest river, forms a 280-mile-long section of its border with Romania. To the South Greece and Turkey are counrty’s neighbours. The Black Sea Coast on its East border which links it also to Russia, Ukraine, and Georgia is famous for its fine sanded beaches, and perfect temperatures of water and air. The Black Sea borderline stretches for some 378 km (240 miles). Despite its relatively small territory - 111 000 sq. km (43 000 sq. miles), the country has an extremely diverse landscape.

The lands of Bulgaria have served as major crossroads between different cultures since ancient times and there are numerous well-preserved historical monuments of different ages. In the lands of Bulgaria is found the most ancient precessed gold treasure on Earth as well as numerous Thracian tumuli.

Bulgaria is a country where the Renaissance crafts and traditions are still alive. The country is a vibrant cultural centre rich in artistic traditions, especially in music, dance, applied and fine art, literature. In Bulgaria the traditional crafts still exist in their original form. Here the cultural heritage is still preserved in its most vibrant and rich forms.